Friday, February 28, 2014

300 Posts! Message from The SI Band Guy

Well well well, 300 posts it took long enough!

First and foremost I would like to apologize on the lack of posting. I received a promotion at my current job that bumped me up to Assistant Editor, so my responsibilities shifted from writing a billion articles to now writing, managing, social media, and helping other writers. Check out to see my new digs. 

Originally started as a class project, this blog took on a life of own, and bands and musicians started coming to me for posting. It is awesome, but unfortunately is a side thing for me because SIBandGuy does not pay the bills! So now I'm going to try and implement a better posting system so life does not get away from me and this gets left in the back burner.

So for 2014 I won't make any promises of a daily fully awesome blog, but I will do my best to update the page with all of your favorite local news, industry interviews, album reviews, photography, and quick trips into journalism, film, and the occasional thought provoking music article.

As always, send an email my way to if you would like to be featured or even guest blog. Better yet, throw me some cash too! Just kidding...but seriously...

- Justin "The SI Band Guy"

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